I live and work in Brooklyn NY. A lifetime thrust of my work has been a crossing over between fine art and architecture. My current work continues a long-standing dialogue with architectural design.
I call the latest work Techno-Scapes because they attempt to create a technological narrative. Far from wanting to instill serious technological information, the techno-heads would rather engage in playful or even whimsical discourse on clouds and emoji as they identify with architecture and engineering. Their main ingredient is geometry, the organizational element that I use in all my designing.
From these initial drawings I then fabricate complex wood sculptures. They are hollow core and are finished with striated encaustic surfaces. The paintings are also derived from the same kind of geometry. Often they end up with a life of their own, evolving in conversation with a specific sculpture that I am preparing. As the two-dimensional imagery undergoes its translation into the three-dimensions yet another expansion of the technological narrative begins in my mind.